Nov 7 / Joni Roberts

"WE ARE ONE" World Kindness Day GiveAway!!!

World Kindness Day

I remember the moment, one year ago when I pressed publish and the MOREcompassion course that I had spent months developing during the pandemic was launched on World Kindness Day. Since then we have continued to build a solid educational foundation, grow our membership, and expand our offerings. 

Like many startups, the path to success for Evolution University has blended the white board and written plan with staying in alignment with our values and responding to what emerges. I am happy to say that our school is better than what I could have imagined a year ago! 

In the spirit of my new book "
Celebrations, Appreciations & Frustrations," let's reflect on the first year.


What an adventure it's been! In some ways we've accomplished more than anticipated while letting go of or postponing some projects in the process. Here are some of the highlights we are celebrating.

1. Born global during the pandemic.
I am super excited that our members are from 32 countries and counting with 50% of our members international, meaning outside of the USA. This is exactly what we want to build-- a community of global changemakers where we can cross-pollinate ideas and spark imagination for action. 

2. Evolving our world through education.
The MOREcompassion for People and the Planet course has received wonderful reviews and I am proud to offer this course for free as part of Evolution University's spirit of giving. The need for compassion as a foundational mindset is in sync with messages from sustainability leaders around the world and essential to achieving the SDGs (sustainable development goals). In my view, compassion and sustainability are inseparable. 

3. Three social media series.
Josephine and I have made a major effort to deliver meaningful content with three weekly social media series going for 10 months! The Five Essential Mindsets on Mondays, Evolve Our World on Wednesdays, and Compassion Hacks on Saturdays. We'd love to know your impressions of our posts and encourage you to follow along, comment, like, and share!

4. Published the Celebrations, Appreciations & Frustrations book.
What started as a three paragraph document that I used with my teams for many years, evolved into an easy to read book and readily applicable practice to increase connection and authentic relating. Head to our events page to attend book signing events in NE Florida in November and December. Look for a new course on the same topic this month! 

5. Developed a new innovative sustainability framework!
This is likely the biggest thing that's happened this year and I am working diligently to share my new Evolve Sustainability Framework featuring a Compassion-Centered Stakeholder Approach to help individuals and organizations make the transition to sustainability, and as a publisher of university curriculum to ready students to solve today's global challenges. Contact me now for virtual and in-person consulting and look for courses integrating the concepts in the coming year.


I am deeply grateful to all of you for being here in the early days and resonating with what we stand for and continue to expand on. To launch a school or any eco/social enterprise is a creative as well as vulnerable endeavor. To be connected with you fills my heart and encourages me to keep going. To show my appreciation, I am giving away some exciting prizes! See below to participate.  


My biggest frustration is one we all share-- the clock is ticking on climate change and governments, businesses, and individuals are moving too slowly. Communities around the world are experiencing the effects of melting glaciers and global warming. We need to act faster. It's not rare anymore to know someone affected by fires, floods, and weather events. We also have a long way to go-- still, to honor equality, diversity, and inclusiveness in our societies. 

With this in mind, I feel frustrated that I do not have more time in a day to make a difference faster. With the seasonal time change today, I found myself feeling very happy for the extra hour! Sometimes it's the small wins that we need to keep building on.


I can't wait to share MORE with you so head over to the MOREcompassion course and sign up to be entered to win! 

Tag a friend in the comments on our social media posts and if your friend wins, I'll double the prize for you, too! The MORE friends tagged, the MORE chances to win!

Let's build an amazing community of sustainability changemakers together! 



Wait, there's MORE!

World Kindness Day Book Signing Event: Love, Food & Relationships

Looking for an inspirational event in Northeast Florida? Join me this Saturday, November 13th, for a special event featuring House of Leaf & Bean President Wen Raiti, Chef Marshall Ziehm, and Evolution University CEO Joni Roberts, who will share how their plant based journeys led to more love and better relationships.

Joni will share insights from her new book "Celebrations, Appreciations & Frustrations" just in time for the holidays. A book signing will also take place with books available for sale.

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