New Year’s Resolutions that Evolve You-- and Our World

Joni Roberts

Goodbye 2020 and Hello 2021!

The beginning of the new year can give us a sense of optimism and signals a chance to begin again. After collectively and individually going through one of the toughest years on record, no doubt many of us are looking for a fresh start. You may be pondering some big changes or simply making adjustments to your current ways of being. Whatever the case is, big ideas come into reality with small incremental steps and everyday actions. At Evolution University, a key theme as blended into our logo aligns with the spirit of a great environmental conservationist, Theodore Roosevelt, who after becoming the American president in 1901, established 150 national forests, 51 federal bird reserves, four national game preserves, five national parks, and 18 national monuments on over 230 million acres of public land! Certainly an incredible legacy.
A quote by Theodore Roosevelt is: “Keep your eyes on the stars and feet on the ground.” When looking at the EU logo, you’ll see stars and a circle with the cross in the center, a symbol representing the earth with its four directions. So aim high and dream big, while remaining grounded, humble, and kind.   

Another useful quote by Theodore Roosevelt is: “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” This means each of us plays an important role in taking action to make the world a better place.

With these quotes in mind, let’s review the self, social, serve the world three-way pledge from our MOREcompassion course that guides us on how to co-create a better world. This is how I start my days. It’s simple and helps keep us focused by taking everyday action on the three key areas. I begin in the mornings by setting intentions, then check in midday to see if I'm on track, and at the end of the day reflect and give celebrations, appreciations, and frustrations. 

Setting Intentions: Self, Social, Serve the World

  SELF: The number one thing you can do to create a better world is to create a better you. When you take care of yourself emotionally, physically, spiritually, intellectually, and financially, you have MORE capacity to give to others.

 How can I be MORE compassionate to myself today?

 Action: Today I will _________________________________________.   

  SOCIAL: Creating a better world starts in our homes as parents, siblings, family members, with our pets and through our friendships and work relationships. The healthier these core relationships are, the MORE compassionate our world is.

 Ask: How can I be MORE compassionate to my core relationships today?

 Today I will _________________________________________.

  SERVE THE WORLD: creating a better world comes from the combined billions of daily acts of kindness and compassion for our communities, animals, ecosystems, and by bringing MORE harmony between people and the planet.

How can I make a meaningful difference through my choices and actions for people and the planet?

 Action: Today I will _________________________________________.

 At the end of the day, reflect by asking, did I take care of me, did I take care of my social relationships, did I serve the world, and did I do it with kindness and compassion?

After reflecting, move into celebrations, appreciations, and frustrations by expressing to yourself and others what went well, giving gratitude, and acknowledging what didn’t go so well.

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